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S - Z (bibliography by author) -- part contents for background part 6 ----- text ----- ---- Sampson, R. Neil ReLeaf for global warming 1988 American Forests Nov./Dec. 1988 p9-14 v94 ---- Sancton, Thomas A. The fight to save the planet 1989 Time Dec. 18, 1989 p60-61 v134,n25 ---- Schneider, Stephen H. Cooling it 1990 World Monitor - The Christian Science Monitor Monthly July, 1990 p30-38 ---- Schneider, Stephen H. Global warming-are we entering the greenhouse century? 1989 Sierra Club Books San Francisco, CA 317 p. ---- Scott, Douglas The Sierra Club's climate campaign 1989 Sierra July/Aug. 1989 p40 v74,n4 ---- Sedjo, Roger A. Forests-a tool to moderate global warming? 1989 Environment Jan./Feb. 1989 p14-20 v31 ---- Shea, Cynthia Pollock Protecting life on earth-steps to save the ozone layer 1988 Worldwatch Institute Washington, D.C. 46 p. ---- Sheiman, D. A who's who of American toxic air polluters-a guide to more than 1500 fac 1989 Natural Resources Defense Council New York, NY 150 p. ---- Smith, J. B. and Tirpak, D., eds. The potential effects of global climate change on the U.S.-draft report 1988 U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. ---- Solheim, Mark K. A cleaner environment-what to buy 1990 Changing Times Feb. 1990 p29-31 ---- Spencer, Roy W. and Christy, John R. Precise monitoring of global temp. trends from satellites 1990 Science Mar. 30, 1990 p1558-1562 v247 ---- Stauffer, B., Lochbonner, E., Oeschger, H. & Schwander, J. Methane concen.in glacial atmo. was only half that of preindustrial 1988 Nature p812-814 v332 ---- Stavins, Robert N. Harnessing market forces to protect the environment 1989 Environment Jan./Feb. 1989 p535 v31,n1 ---- Stetson, Marnie Windows as good as walls 1990 World-Watch May/June, 1990 p38-39 v3,n3 ---- Stockton, C. W. and Boggess, W. R. Geohydrological implications of climate change on water resource developm 1979 U.S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center Fort Belvoir, VA ---- Sun, Marjorie Emissions trading goes global 1990 Science Feb. 2, 1990 p520-521 v247 ---- The Earth Works Group 50 simple things you can do to save the earth 1989 Earthworks Press Berkeley, CA 96 p. ---- Titus, J. G., ed. Effects of changes in stratospheric ozone and global climate-v1 1986 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. ---- U.S. Senate-subcommittee on environmental protection Stratospheric ozone depletion & chlorofluorocarbons-joint hearings before 1987 Washington, D.C. 677 p. ---- U.S. Senate-subcommittee on hazardous wastes & toxic substances Stratospheric ozone depletion-joint hearing before the subcommittees 1988 Washington, D.C. 146 p. ---- Udall, James R. Climate shock-nature under glass 1989 Sierra July/Aug. 1989 p34-40 v74,n4 ---- Udall, James R. Climate shock-turning down the heat 1989 Sierra July/Aug. 1989 p26-33 v74,n4 ---- Usher, Peter World conference on the changing atmosphere-implications for global secur 1989 Environment Jan./Feb. 1989 p25-27 v31,n1 ---- Ward, J., Hardt, R. and Kuhnle, T. Farming in the greenhouse-what global warming means for American agriculture 1989 Natural Resources Defense Council New York, NY 34 p. ---- Weinberg, Carl J. and Williams, Robert H. Energy from the sun 1990 Scientific American Sept. 1990 p146-155 v263,n3 ---- White, Robert M. The great climate debate 1990 Scientific American July, 1990 p36-43 v283 ---- Whitney, Craig R. Scientists warn of dangers in a warming earth 1990 The New York Times May 26, 1990 ---- Whitten, Robert C. Ozone in the free atmosphere 1985 Van Nostrand Reinhold New York, NY 288 p. ---- Wigley, T. M. L. and Raper, S. C. B. Thermal expansion of sea water associated with global warming 1987 Nature Nov. 12, 1987 p127-131 v330 ---- Wirth, Senator Timothy E. Addressing the challenge of climate change 1988 American Forests Nov./Dec. 1988 p12-14 ---- Zurer, Pamela Bush reverses stance on global warming 1989 Chemical & Engineering News May 22, 1989 p5-6 ---- Zurer, Pamela S. Arctic ozone loss-fact-finding mission concludes outlook is bleak 1989 Chemical & Engineering News Mar. 6, 1989 p29-31 ***